Graphic Design

Using Virtual Reality To Showcase Work (Photoshop)

Using the CoSpaces website and Google Cardboard students in Year 9 will create a virtual reality gallery to showcase their graphic design/Photoshop project.

The video below is a tutorial on how they will create the gallery.

Year 8 Class Presentations: 2013-2014 Computing Curriculum (Free Resources)

As I am sure you have seen, I have just published my Computing curriculum for 2013-2014 which you can download from here:

Mr Britland’s Computing Curriculum 2013-2014

Last week I posted all of the presentation for the Year 7 projects. These are for both students and teacher and include lots of useful resources.

This post contains the presentations for Year 8.

Feel free to download and use this curriculum. If you use this booklet, its projects or ideas and would like to make a donation for its continuing development, please use the link provided. I would like to keep giving this document away for free so any donation would be amazing. Please click to be redirected to my donation page.

1. How the Internet Works

2. Graphic Design: Magazine Covers

3. Visual Programming: Kodu Projects

4. The Web: HTML5 and CSS3

2013: Graphics Design (Album Covers) Year 9 – Example Work

This is the first time I have used Photoshop with these project and the results have been amazing. In previous years I have used Fireworks, but this year I wanted the project to be more challenging.

To help my students, I created some tutorial videos. These videos were very useful, especially for students who missed lessons or wanted a recap. You can watch these videos HERE.

I would like to thank WNA Visual for their help and advice. If I was you, I would head over to their website and have a look at their portfolio. If you need any work done, definitely given them a shout.

Have a look at some of my the album covers below, any questions, let me know.

(New Projects Part 5) Graphic Design: Magazine Covers – 2nd Year/Year 8

I have seen magazine cover creation being taught in the past. What I often find is that what is produced look like posters, rather than magazines.

During this project we take a look at what magazine actually look like. Then students take the design features and elements we like to produce a cover of their own using what I have taught in lessons.

In the presentation below there is a link to example student work to give you an idea about what I expect. There is also a link to video tutorials. They will be added soon.

(Work in Progress)

Project: Graphic Design: Magazine Covers

Project Sheet (link)

Presentation (link)

(New Projects Part 2) Graphic Design: Album Covers – 3rd Year/Year 9 – Resources Included

The next 3rd year/year 9 project is based around graphic design. It is not a new concept, but I pride myself on teaching students how to create professional looking album covers.

The aim of the project is to edit and manipulate several images together and combine them with text.

In a few months I should also have a selection of tutorials available for students. At the moment, the tutorial links in the presentation go to my YouTube channel, rather than specific videos.

Thanks to WNA Visual for their help

(Work in Progress)

Project: Album Covers

Project Sheet (link)

Presentation (link)