
Using Virtual Reality To Showcase Work (Photoshop)

Using the CoSpaces website and Google Cardboard students in Year 9 will create a virtual reality gallery to showcase their graphic design/Photoshop project.

The video below is a tutorial on how they will create the gallery.

2013: Graphics Design (Album Covers) Year 9 – Example Work

This is the first time I have used Photoshop with these project and the results have been amazing. In previous years I have used Fireworks, but this year I wanted the project to be more challenging.

To help my students, I created some tutorial videos. These videos were very useful, especially for students who missed lessons or wanted a recap. You can watch these videos HERE.

I would like to thank WNA Visual for their help and advice. If I was you, I would head over to their website and have a look at their portfolio. If you need any work done, definitely given them a shout.

Have a look at some of my the album covers below, any questions, let me know.