
2013: Graphics Design (Album Covers) Year 9 – Example Work

This is the first time I have used Photoshop with these project and the results have been amazing. In previous years I have used Fireworks, but this year I wanted the project to be more challenging.

To help my students, I created some tutorial videos. These videos were very useful, especially for students who missed lessons or wanted a recap. You can watch these videos HERE.

I would like to thank WNA Visual for their help and advice. If I was you, I would head over to their website and have a look at their portfolio. If you need any work done, definitely given them a shout.

Have a look at some of my the album covers below, any questions, let me know.

My Photography – The Peaks

Back in 1994 I started my A-Level in Photography. I loved that course, although it was old school. Light boxes, processing film, enlargers and created prints. It was brilliant.Back then was the 1st time I ever saw a digital camera, I didn’t even really understand what it was but I did get a chance to use an early version of Photoshop.

Last month I decided to get back into it, so I purchased a new Canon 550D and I must say it is awesome.

I went on holiday in the UK last week so I took at with me and got snapping. I thought I would share some of my favourite photos on my blog. Hopefully, you will enjoy them.

Graphic Design (MAGAZINE COVERS) Year 8/2nd Year – Example Work

I am sure creating magazine covers are one of those projects that happen in most schools. This is not revolutionary by any means but it is a good way to help students understand graphic design, audience, purpose as well as some more advanced Adobe Fireworks skills.

In order for students to create magazine covers that actually look authentic they must do some research. What do covers look like in WH Smith or Newstand on iPad?

This seems faily obvious, but far too many times I have seen posters, rather than magazine covers. I will admit to you now that I am bit fussy about what is produced. Although, that is true of any teacher.

Some of the skills required in this project do crossover with the album covers in the 3rd year. However, whilst we do some basic image editing it is not as advanced. I prefer to focus more on arranging elements, design themes and reproducing what they have seen, while still making their covers unique.

I hope you enjoy these examples.

Graphic Design (ALBUM COVERS) Year 9/3rd Year – Example Work

I have been teaching graphic design since I started my teaching career 6 years ago.

My favourite project has always been designing album covers. The students love it and really take ownership of the project as they get to pick the artist.

At present we are using Adobe Firework to create the album covers. Images are edited, combined with several other images, then text and layer effects are added. My plan this year was to use Photoshop, but after we upgraded to the latest software we had a few issues (which have now been resolved) so I stuck with Fireworks.

Next year we shall use Photoshop, although the design principals are the same whatever application you use.

Here are few examples, there is some amazing work here and I wanted to share it.
